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Gingerbread man week...12/1-12/5

We had such a fun week! This week we read all about the gingerbread man and how he ran so fast that we even couldn't catch up to him! We had a good time making crafts, creating a fun atmosphere, and looking for our gingerbread man we made!

For fun we made, "If I where a gingerbread boy/girl...." "I would look like this..." and "This is what my house would look like..." (The younger the child was the more simpler the paper was)

first we made a gingerbread house (Made out of cardboard) painted it brown and then colored paper plates to create candy. we added candy canes. After it was dry we put it in our home living area, the kids loved pretending they were gingerbread people.

We also made, gingerbread paper with five different textures on it, we used pasta, a straw, felt paper, paper, tissue paper.

We made gingerbread houses made out of paper, first the children cut out their own houses, then we added shapes for windows, doors, candy and more. We even used white crayon for snow.

We also made gingerbread faces, we painted paper plates brown, then we added googly eyes, a bow and we painted on our mouth.. Looks great!

And for our adventure we made a gingerbread man! First we mixed up ingredients and after every thing was mixed we had to let the gingerbread sit for a bit, and when we came back to check up on the gingerbread it disappeared, we had to go on gingerbread man hunt! It was tons of fun the kids loved finding the clues on where to go next to find the gingerbread man. And I wont leave out, it was delicious!

Giving Thanks.....11/24-11/25

This week we will continue on community helpers, we will also discuss what we are thankful for and what we really appropriate about our lives.

We cut and painted a tree stump and then instead of adding leaves (Since it's been snowing) Everyday we've been making a snowflake and writing down what we are thankful for each day.

We also made card for the mail person saying Thank you for all you do!

Today each child received a poem on paper and we made a turkey out of their hand, when it's dry we will send them home for mom's and dad's.

Wednesday I will be having a work shop day, this is where I will be catching up on cleaning, organizing, and lesson planning. The reason why I am closed a day early is because most of my clients have taken off that day. And Thursday and Friday I will be closed due to celebrating Thanksgiving with my family! Happy Thanksgiving and have a great long weekend!! (Remember to click on the pictures to see the full gallery. Thank you!)

Community helpers...11/17-11/21

Community helpers week, we explored how to be a mail person, we made mail bags and dressed up like one in home living.  We had a blast making this out of  a game by delivering mail. 

We also talked about sheriff and police officers, we made a badge and gave out tickets to violators.

Another fun project we did this week we made fire trucks, we talked about how firefighters help us out just like police officers and ambulance drivers. 

Weather week....11/10-11/14

This week, we talked about weather! What a perfect week to talk about weather, because of our big snow storm. In honor of our snow storm we made a snowman on our door! The kids helped put it together.

Our first project we made snow flakes (you can see them by the door by the snowman) First we colored coffee filters, and then we folded them up to cut around the edges of the coffee filter to create a snowflake!

Another day we talked about clouds and what they do, they bring, rain, snow,and hail. We made a cloud guy, we cut out the cloud, then added arms that held a snowflake and a  rain drop and then legs!

We made rain sticks, first we colored and put stickers onto a paper towel holder and then afterwards added rices for the rain part. It was fun to run around and dance with them.

For art last Friday we talked about the wind, this was kinda like a experiment too, we put paint on our paper then we took a straw and tried to blow it across the paper to see if our lungs where as strong as the wind!

Math: Each (including myself) took turns laying down on the floor to see how many mittens we where tall! (Please remember to click on the pictures to see our gallery)

Dinosaur week...11/3-11/7

This week we talked about Dinosaurs! We talked about how big they get, how long ago they lived, what they ate and more!

We also froze some dinosaurs, we tried a couple of ways to defrost them, we pull apart the ice or we ran it under what. The children loved exploring the ice!

Sciences: We made a volcano we mixed baking soda, vinegar, red food coloring, and dawn. The children loved watching the explosion! We even placed some little dinosaurs by our volcano. The kids liked exploring the after math!    

For some art projects we made dinosaur eggs, I had my preschooler cut her egg and the toddlers, I did it for him. After we where done cutting out our eggs, we painted them with paper towel tubes.

My toddler was not at daycare today but my preschooler had a blast cutting out different shapes to make a dinosaur. 

We also talked about how Dinosaurs start with the letter "D", we cut out a "D" shape and  added legs, a tail and a head plus googly eyes!!

Today we dipped our toy dinosaurs into paint and make foot prints. 

Today we traced, and cut out (My preschooler cut out her own) and then we added some tangles for toes or toe nails!

Next week is Weather week!!!

Happy costume and Halloween week!!! 10/27-31st

We had such a great week, exploring Costume week and having a fun Halloween party! First we started off with our favorite Halloween books! 

Then we loved exploring the inside of a pumpkin, I asked one of the children what if felt like, she said "like kool aid" (I'm thinking because of how stick it felt on her skin) :-)

We also made some fun crafts, we painted a milk carton white to create a ghost, we put lights inside of it an placed in our window so everyone can see! 

Another fun way of creating ghost we used our our feet, they look so spooky!

We also talked about candy, we ripped up yellow, orange and white paper to put on a triangular shape and placed the ripped up pieces onto the triangle to create candy corn.

At the end of the week we had our Halloween party!

Here are the list of games we played:

-knock down the ghost tin cans

-We made a spider web in our doorway and the children each through paper at it to see if it would stick.

-Throw a ball into the ghost's face

-Pin the heart on the skeleton

-And wrap the mummy!

At the end of our activities we frosted our home made cookies we made last week!

We also saw when we where playing outside last week a leaf sucker from a truck, the kids loved watching it!

Happy Halloween!! Next week is Dinosaur week!!! (Remember to click onto pictures to see gallery)   Thanks!