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Giving Thanks.....11/24-11/25

This week we will continue on community helpers, we will also discuss what we are thankful for and what we really appropriate about our lives.

We cut and painted a tree stump and then instead of adding leaves (Since it's been snowing) Everyday we've been making a snowflake and writing down what we are thankful for each day.

We also made card for the mail person saying Thank you for all you do!

Today each child received a poem on paper and we made a turkey out of their hand, when it's dry we will send them home for mom's and dad's.

Wednesday I will be having a work shop day, this is where I will be catching up on cleaning, organizing, and lesson planning. The reason why I am closed a day early is because most of my clients have taken off that day. And Thursday and Friday I will be closed due to celebrating Thanksgiving with my family! Happy Thanksgiving and have a great long weekend!! (Remember to click on the pictures to see the full gallery. Thank you!)