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Happy costume and Halloween week!!! 10/27-31st

We had such a great week, exploring Costume week and having a fun Halloween party! First we started off with our favorite Halloween books! 

Then we loved exploring the inside of a pumpkin, I asked one of the children what if felt like, she said "like kool aid" (I'm thinking because of how stick it felt on her skin) :-)

We also made some fun crafts, we painted a milk carton white to create a ghost, we put lights inside of it an placed in our window so everyone can see! 

Another fun way of creating ghost we used our our feet, they look so spooky!

We also talked about candy, we ripped up yellow, orange and white paper to put on a triangular shape and placed the ripped up pieces onto the triangle to create candy corn.

At the end of the week we had our Halloween party!

Here are the list of games we played:

-knock down the ghost tin cans

-We made a spider web in our doorway and the children each through paper at it to see if it would stick.

-Throw a ball into the ghost's face

-Pin the heart on the skeleton

-And wrap the mummy!

At the end of our activities we frosted our home made cookies we made last week!

We also saw when we where playing outside last week a leaf sucker from a truck, the kids loved watching it!

Happy Halloween!! Next week is Dinosaur week!!! (Remember to click onto pictures to see gallery)   Thanks!