What we do.

Information for parents.

Supply and Demand

I've had a couple of concerns about closing. For example if the school districts close; will I close? I said no UNLESS one of my family members get sick or someone has affected our daycare, then I would have to review my policies and close for a major period of time (Which we do not want, everyone needs to work and we need stability for our children) I also did notice over the weekend, that supply and demand is very low. Licensing requires me to have a minimum of supplies to run my business. I am asking you as a community to help with supply and demand, (If it comes down to it!) I am asking for donations to run my daycare. I will NOT use this for my personal use.

I'm also asking parents not to bring toys, backpacks, or car seats to daycare at this time. Like I have said in my last email, I would like to reduce on germs coming in and out of my home. When things die down, I will be more then happy to welcome those things that help comfort your child at my home.

Here is what I'm asking for:

-Toilet paper

-Paper towels

-Dish soap

-Soap for hand washing


-Lysold disinfection wipes

-Laundry detergent

- (Worst case scenario) Food

I know there is a lot going on right now but it's important to keep safe, healthy, to keep things going like normal for our children and to help our community.

If you have any questions or concerns please let me know. I also have a link for the Corona virus, I really recommend educating yourself on this virus. We don't know how this is going to play out but the best way to end it to stay at home as much as possible and keep healthy.



If anything changes or I will need to close due to DHS requiring quarantine, I will communicate that to you ASAP by phone.

Again, this is for everyone's safety.

Thank you again for your understanding,

Danielle Stephenson