Hello and welcome to book week! February is the month all about books, and since my children love reading books, we thought we would have book week, we had so much fun reading our favorite books from home and in the classroom, some of our friends brought books from home share with the class.
Monday: we read "Little mouse, and the red ripe strawberry and the big hungry bear", for today's project we cut out a strawberry shape and painted it with strawberry kool-aid.
Tuesday: "Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?", for today's project I let the children make their own books, the children each picked out the colors they wanted for their books, and then they colored the pictures and afterwards I wrote up what they did in the books!
Wednesday: we read "The itsy bitsy spider", for this project we cut out a spider shape and placed it on a string onto a cup (water spout), this way the children can reenact the song on their own.
Thursday: "Tickle monster" and for this project we made our own monsters out of paper plates, tissue paper and googly eyes.
Friday: We did flannel boards, the children really love doing songs, and playing games. I also have some stories I do with the flannel boards too.