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Winter fun/snow week...12/08/2014

We had such a busy week, we loved exploring winter! Even though it didn't snow and the temps where nice outside :-) But we are not complaining.

This week for our projects we made snowmen, first we cut them out and glued on Shredded paper onto our circles, then we added, eyes, a nose, a mouth, buttons and arms, They turned out really cute! After we made our snowmen we got to put the rest of the shredded paper into our sensory table to play with!

Sensory/art: we put shaving cream, glue and white paint onto paper to create snow!

Art/math: Each child laid down on the ground and we took. "Snowballs" paper and measured how many snowballs tall we where. After we where done, we glued them on paper and made snowmen out of them.

Art/fine motor: we painted craft sticks and glued them together to create a snow flake.

Have a great day and next week is Traditions!