
 Welcome to Mrs. Danielle’s home daycare policies:

My Philosophy:

As a childcare provider, I believe in consistency with everyday life. I have a daily schedule, but also being flexible at the same time for the appropriate age group. I love to explore creative ways of learning with children. If a child is interested in a subject or an item, I think it is a good idea to go more in depth with it. Where did it come from? What can we learn from it? And what can we do with it? Children are very curious and it's fun to expand on what we can learn from every day life! I also encourage parents to discuss expectations they have and/or want for their child and myself. I am always open to any feedback about myself as a provider. It is important that parents and providers communicate together and establish a good relationship, which is in everyone's best interest, especially for their child. My goal is to create loving, safe, fun and healthy environment.

About myself:

Hello my name is Danielle Stephenson. I received my diploma in Early Childhood Development from Hennepin Technical collage (HTC). Since earning my diploma in 2003 I've been working with children to the present. During my career as an Early Childhood Development professional I have worked many different aspects of the business. In my career I have worked as a Child Development Teacher for both large and small centers and have had the opportunity to work in classes of children of mixed age groups and specific age groups. I developed lesson plans and activities appropriate for the children's age with a focus on their creative interests and abilities. I am currently working with Redleaf Press curriculum, this helps develop ECIP (Early childhood indicators of progress). This has helped encourage the children to learn as we focus on activities and ideas they find intriguing. While working within the daycare facilities I received numerous awards including the “Family Partnership Award” which is awarded by nominations from parents and children of the center. The award is to recognize a teachers dedication to the child's development and inclusion of the parents in the process.

I have and will continue to attend classes and seminars that provide specialized training for child care providers. I am CPR certified and have First-Aid training along with SUID/AHT (Sudden Unexpected Infant Death and Abusive Head Trauma)

My husband an I have two children that we love spending every moment with. I have opened up my home as a daycare to be with them. Also to help them and other children along on their development journey. As an Early Childhood professional I can provide my home as a safe place where children can develop in a structured caring environment. I will be providing Breakfast, lunch and snack. I have a large focus on motor activities, skills, (learning colors, shapes, letters, letter sounds, numbers and more) art projects, fine motors, social and emotional interaction. I am currently in the “Parent Aware” program and I have a three star rating. This program will help with preparing your child for school readiness, training's that is required for helping me continue on my education and to have resources on hand for parents.

Because this is a business arrangement, I have outlined my policies and procedures. I have met the requirements necessary to acquire my license from the State of Minnesota Statues 9502.0300 to 9502.0445. All requirements are listed in the Family Child Care Licensing Rules, and are available for your review upon request (refer to 9502.0450, Subp.. 3. N) This is also available on line at www.leg.state.mn.us.

I hold a Class c1 License

Of the total children under school age, no more than 3 shall be infants and toddlers. Of this total, no more than 2 shall be infants.


Toddlers will be encouraged to participate in the preschool program. Other activities will be added that are age appropriate. There maybe some activities that are above their capabilities and they may be offered a substitute activity in its place. Many of the activities we do work for all ages, they just get different things out of it depending on their age.

Preschool /School age Program:
1. Small muscle: coloring, puzzles, play dough, and a variety of blocks and other activities.

2 Large muscle: crawling, marching, running, jumping, dancing, exercising, and sports participation such as; bowling, softball, and kickball. I do encourage 90 minutes of large motor, inside or outside.

3.Creative play; (stimulate child’s imagination, and language skills) play areas that may include; kitchen, store, doctors office, post office, dress up, and block area.
4. Arts & Crafts: projects emphasize creativity
5. Music: daily use of songs during group time, and dancing for large musical/
Opportunities to experiment with different musical instruments.
6. Science: activities that encourage investigations, observing, discovering and problem solving. Example: Once a month we will do a cooking project. The children will have to use reading skills for directions and math skills for measurement. Other examples would be out doors; growing a plant, bug hunts, etc.
7. Math: counting is a part of every day, especially with our group times, we will be counting out days. Other activities involving concepts such as volume, size, shape, and measurements.
8. Language Arts: Group time will be a big part of our day, daily books will be read to the children. Children will be encouraged to participate in group conversations, social conversations, story telling, puppet play and role-play. Speaking in full sentences, taking turns, expressing oneself fluently and being an attentive listener will be encouraged.
9. Outdoor Play: We will go outside daily, weather permitting. Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately. Activities for outdoors will often be planned that develop large muscle coordination. On days when we can not get outside we will have some activities planned such as dancing or a large musical activity.
10. Responsibilities: Each child will be responsible to perform daily tasks such as clearing up toys, putting away their own breakfast, lunch and snack dishes, and hanging up coats and putting away shoes. Each child will have a special job for a day or week depending on their age. No child will be "punished" for not performing a certain task but rather rewarded for attempting and/or carrying out the task. This will help build self esteem and independence.
11.Television is limited. We do however dance and do yoga on YouTube. (Go noodles or Cosmic yoga.) If children are awake at nap time, I will put on a Disney movie or an educational show once in awhile. We rarely do movie days with all the children. Nap time is my time to get caught up on paperwork, tidying up, and taking a small break.

12.Computers: The only time I will get out a computer is to show the children educational activities that we are discussing for that week's theme; for example St. Patrick's day. In the past I have shown a traditional Irish dance. I will not have any computer games available for the children but school age children are welcome to bring their own devices (it can be available to them at designed times through out the day) but make sure they are responsible enough to take care of their own things.

Behavior & Discipline:
I believe in positive discipline for children rather then punishment. When children exhibit negative behavior I will:
a.) Tell them gently and firmly that their behavior is unacceptable
b.) Redirect them (show them what is acceptable)
c.) Talk to the child about their behavior.
d.) Loss of privileges or have them be removed from the situation for a cool off, the child will not be unattended.

**If there is a major behavior problem with a child, the parents will be informed and a conference may be scheduled to develop a plan to help the child overcome the behavior.

*If a behavior is threatening or violent. The child's parents will be called for immediate pickup. Violence isn't tolerated here.

Sleeping & Rest Arrangements: (See 9502.0405, Subp. 3.E)

The children will have a mat to sleep or rest on. Each child will be given clean separate bedding in accordance with the Minnesota Day Care Licensing Rule. Quiet time music will be played. Everyday we have 30 minutes of quiet time and children will lay down to rest or nap. Preschoolers and school age children who do not nap, will lay down for 30 minutes of rest time. After they have had 30 minutes of rest, the children can look at books, puzzles, or/and other designated quiet time toys. The children must understand that at quiet time we must find a quiet activity.

Toilet Training:
When a parent feels a child is ready and a child shows readiness I will assist parents in the toilet training of their child. Parent must be ready at home for me to help at daycare. If child and parents are ready I will be more then willing to help here. But EVERYONE must be on board first.

Parents will need to bring extra clothing. I will not force children to sit on the potty and will use only positive encouragement in order to promote using the potty. I believe a child will start using the potty or trying to use the potty when he or she feels they are ready. This is often a frustrated time for everyone. So please remember… Every child will learn it eventually!

Meals & Snacks: (See 9502.0450, Subp.3.C.D.)
Nutritionally balanced meals and snack will be served. The children are offered the food and encouraged but not forced to eat. I am on a food program, Adults & Children Alliance, after your child has been enrolled you will need to sign a “Child enrollment report”.

Meals and Snacks are served at the following times:
8:00-8:30a.m. Breakfast

9:30-10:00 A.M Snack (Opt for infants or young toddlers)
11:30-12:15pm Lunch
2:45-3:15pm Afternoon Snack
4:00pm School Kids Snack (their opt.)

**It is important to let me know if your child has any food allergies.(we are not a peanut free environment)

*Food from home should always come labeled.

**If child is 12 months old and still on a bottle, bottles brought from home must be labeled with child's name and will be refrigerated when necessary, Please remember though most Doctors recommend babies of 12months to stop bottle feeding due to excess calories to a child’s diet, increasing the risk of weight gain. Kids start eating solid foods around four to six months; by age 1, the typical baby is mainly eating solid food, supplemented with about 10 to 16 ounces of whole milk per day (and for some children, breast-feeding).

What to bring:
Each child will have a designated space for their personal items. Please mark names on children’s things (there will be a permit marker available upon request) Please bring the following things for children to have available:
1. A complete change of extra clothing (make sure appropriate for each season)
2. Diapers, baby wipes, pacifiers ointment (only be used if form is signed)
3. Special blanket for rest time.

4. School-ages are welcome to bring their own devices but can only take out at designated times. **They’re also responsible for anything that happens to their devices.


***Please note: We go outside twice a day, children need to be dressed accordingly. In the winter time if it's above 0 without wind chill we may go outside for at least 10 minutes. Also we often do messy activities and clothes can get dirty.
*Parents are encouraged to bring extra outdoor clothing during winter season such as hats, mittens, jacket, snow pants, boots, ect to keep at daycare.

*Summer time: Your child must wear socks and tennis shoes*No Flip flops.

Also for water play please provide water shoes or crocs.

*Since little fingers touch my floor please remember to leave your shoes at the door.


Unfortunately with the Coronavirus rapidly evolving in our area, I must be cautious with parents/family members, and children coming in and out of my house. If a child or someone in the house hold is asked to quarantine/isolate due to close exposure or symptoms, I ask that you keep your child home with you during the entire recommended time. Do not send your child to daycare if they are experiencing any illness symptoms (2 or more symptoms). Discuss with me prior to entering into my home if anyone in your house is experiencing any symptoms, even if they appeared mild.

Length of time out when your child is ill is going to vary on a case by case basis and is decided on many factors. As stated above please discus with me and I will consult the most recent guidelines to make the safest decision to keep the group and myself health.

**If your child or someone in your house hold has tested positive your child will be required to quarantine with you as well. I must be notified immediately if someone is positive in the house hold. If I am not notified about positive test results and child comes to childcare, I will do an immediate termination. Health and safety is a BIG priority in my program.

llness: (See 9502.0405, Subp. 3.G.)
I can not always give a sick child the attention they need and deserve when they are ill. **It is in everyone's best interest that a sick child stay at home. If a child has any of the symptoms listed below, they will not be permitted to attend daycare until 24 hours after the last incidence of fever, vomiting, severe diarrhea, or until 24 full hours after medical treatment has begun as prescribed by a physician (If needed) and their temperature has returned to normal with out the use of fever reducing medication.

*Please let me know in case of an infectious disease, so I can let other parents be aware.
1. Fever of 100 or more.
2. Severe diarrhea (cannot be contained by the diaper or toilet)
3. Unexplained rash (child will not be allowed to come to Mrs. Danielle's House until a medical exam has indicated it is not a communicable disease).
4. Vomiting
5. Pinkeye or eye drainage.
6. Chickenpox- until all blisters have dried and formed scabs, about 6 days after the onset of the rash.

If a child becomes ill while at Mrs. Danielle’s House, parents will be notified and he/she must be picked up within one hour. If you cannot make it within that hour please send emergency back up.

The following are guidelines to help you decide if your child is well enough to come to Danielle's daycare:

Disease Incubation period Communicability

COVID-19 5 to 7 to 10 days. Exclude if tested Positive. If mid symptoms please stay home. Child can return after

quarantine period has

expired, as long as child

has no other


Influenza 1 week Exclude from daycare until temperature has been normal for 24 hours. Without medication.

Pink Eye 1-3 days Exclude until 24 hours after treatment begins.

Strep throat 1-3 days Exclude until 24 hours after first treatment and temperature has returned to normal, without medication

Lice Nits hatch from Exclude from daycare until first treatment is 6-10 days completed. All Lice have been destroyed. (All family

will have to stay home an tell treatment is done and

all nits and bugs gone) That includes all family members.

Hand, Foot 2 to 3 weeks. Exclude from daycare an tell all blisters must be dried

&Mouth up before returning to care. This, can and most likely

Disease will be at least one full week.. (Siblings will have to

(HFM) stay home as well to keep infectious disease out of


***Please remember if your child does conduct one of theses diseases or some kind of virus, go see a doctor right away. I have the final word when child can return to care regardless of what the doctors says. ** I do reserve the right to refuse care if I feel that a parent is being unfair, not telling the truth, or rude.

If your child contracts a serious, contagious illness listed in Minnesota Statute 4605.7040, I must report this to the Minnesota Department of Health.

I require written permission and instructions to administer prescription nonprescription medication such as Tylenol, cough syrup, sunscreen lotion, diapering products, insect repellents, ect. Medicines must be supplied in it's original container, have the child's name and current prescription information on the label.

MN. License Rule requires that a child's parents notify the provider within 24 hours of the diagnosis of a serious contagious illness or parasitic infection. The provider must then inform the parents of each exposed child the same day the provider is notified of the positive diagnosis.

***If parents do not give me updated vaccination with a time period, and I get a citation no updates, that will be a termination the day of. Parents will be responsible for the updates.

*If child becomes sick at daycare, parent must pick up with in an hour or keep in commutation open with me on how long they will be. Parents must try to pick up as soon as possible. If I can not get a hold of anyone, I will call the emergency back up person. And if I can not get a hold of the anyone, I will call authorities. It's extremely important parents can call me back within reasonable amount of time.

**If my children are sick, I may not always have back up. I do however have my in laws and

they can take my children time to time, but not always guaranteed.

**If I have a medical emergency I will get back up care immediately and parents will then be notified and will need to pick children up ASAP!

Emergencies/Back-up: (See 9502.0450, Subp. 3.L.)

The Admission and Arrangements Form must also be completed prior to admission. If for any reason your child would require emergency medical attention I need to have written permission to follow any steps necessary for his/her well-being. I will notify you at the earliest possible time. You will be responsible for all medical expenses incurred.

*If for any reason I need to leave for an emergency I have my husband as back-up emergency substitutes. He has had a background study completed yearly and training in CPR/First aid and SUIDS and some early childhood development. He will also substitute if I have an doctors appointment. I will notify you a head of time if I have any engagements during daycare hours.

**It's always important for me to get a hold of a parent/family member or the emergency back up person. **If I can not get a hold of someone by a period of time, I will have to call the authorities.

Emergency Drills: (See 9502.0405, Subp. 3.H)

I conduct a record monthly fire and storm drills. I have a fire evacuation plan that we practice monthly. During severe weather season, I talk about severe weather with the children and where to go.

Transportation (See 9502.0405, Subp. 3.I.)

I Danielle have not taken the Child Passenger Restraint Training class. I will not be transporting your child(ren)


A health care (Immunization Record Form) summary must be completed by a physician prior to enrollment for infants, toddlers, preschool, and school age children's health care summary must be completed within 30 days of admission. I must have immunization records for each child. Parents will be asked to keep these records updated.

I will do my best to maintain a healthy environment for the children although no environment can be made germ free; keeping my numbers low can lessen the harmful effects of germs. The #1 way to reduce the spread of germs is by thoroughly and frequent hand washing. I will follow all hand and equipment washing rules as stated in the Minnesota Day Care License Rule. I will encourage the children to wash their hands often and require hand washing before eating and after toileting. I will also be cleaning toys on a daily basic especially toys that been placed in mouths.

Written permission is required before any medication, diapering products, sunscreens, lotions or insect repellents can be given. All medications must have the child's name and dosage on the label. All parents must sign a consent form for administration of Syrup of Ipecac which will only be given after the provider calls the Poison Control Center and is directed to do so.

My house is set up as a safe environment for children. Safety checks are conducted monthly. We have emergency fire and storm procedures. A monthly log provided by the county, and practice drills will be completed regularly.

But do remember your child(ren) is starting to walk or sometimes not paying attention and bumps and scrapes may happen. Please let me know if you would like me to call or e-mail you right away. Always if an emergency happens I will first call 911 and then you as soon as possible.

Child care emergency plan: State law requires the following providers to use a form to create

an emergency preparedness plan. Licensed family child care providers (Minn. Stat. 245A.51 Subd.)

Field Trips:
Parents will be notified in advance as to when a field trip is being planned. All children will walk or be wheeled by a stroller to destination. For example classic bowl or other fun adventures (Weather permitting).

*Please note that some of these places are located across busy roads, I always use safe practice safety with the children for example, holding hands, looking both ways before crossing roads.

Miscellaneous: (See 9502.0405, Subp. 3.F.) (See 9502.0405, Subp. 3.P.)

I am a non-smoker. Smoking is not allowed during day care hours in my home. I will not discriminate in relation to admission on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, or sex. I do have insurance and have a form for parents to sign.

Days & Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 6:30am-5:15pm. Drop off and pick up times will be stated in the contract. If you need to be earlier/later then your contract stating, I can accommodate but with notice. Please try your best to put down your earliest drop off and latest pick up times. If anyone is later then my closing time I will be charging 5 dollars a minute late. I totally understand weather gets bad in the winter time or there are emergencies. Please remember to keep me informed. Always plan coordinately. **Please note I reserve the right to choose whether or not to charge you on being late. If you are late you must pay on the spot (Or if you do not have the funds on you, you must pay the next business day).

*If this becomes a habit of being late, parents will be giving notice.
**Parents should notify me if they will be bringing children later than normal or not at all ASAP. This just helps keep our routine running smoothly. Parents should also let me know if they will be picking up children early so we can be sure to allow enough time for projects and scheduled activities to be completed before your child leaves for the day. I believe it makes the transition easier too if children know what to expect.

**If a parent picks up at the end of the day (5:15 p.m) and has questions or concerns, please come 5 or 10 minutes before close. After 5:15 this is my clean up/family time. Sometimes I do not have time to talk because my children have extracurricular activities. Parents are always welcome to email, text, or call between the hours of 6 a.m-7p.m. Please do NOT text or call me after 7 p.m. Unless it's an emergency.

**If parents do not pick up child and I've tried to get a hold of the parents I will be forced to call emergency back up person. If the emergency back up person does not come to pick up child. I will then call authorities.

Authorized persons:

Occasionally your child may need to be picked up from child care by someone other then the guardian. Unless the names are listed on the Admissions and Arrangements Form, your child will not be released. In case of an emergency, Please provide a reliable list of people to reach. If someone who is not on your Admissions and Arrangement form, please text me a picture and a first and last name of the person picking up.

Trial Period:
There will be a three-week trial period for all children starting at Mrs. Danielle's Childcare. The contract may be terminated by either myself or the child's parents during this three- weeks. If either party feels there are reasons to do so with out the need for a three-week cancellation notice. *There will be no reimbursement, if trial period does not work out. I always tell parents it take about a month an tell children get situated. If you have any questions regarding your child's transition period, you are more then welcome to set up a meeting, call, text, or email me between the hours of 6 a.m-7p.m.


Your first payment will be a down payment for your first week, this is due before the child’s first day (This will help hold your spot). I will not give out a refund on down payment, if parent changes their mind before start date.

Every payment is due on Fridays by 5:15 p.m.

If a child(ren) is scheduled to attend more than 10 days in a 4 week period they are considered full time. They are then charged for a full week. This standard for all my full time children. If you only work two days that week and take off the rest of the week, you must pay in full.

*If you miss your payment, child(ren) can not return until payment is payed in full. Please note, payment is always due on Friday by 5:15! If you need other arrangements with Mrs. Danielle on a payment plan it must be stated in the contract.

Part-time children:

For Infants to toddlers: (6weeks to 24months) Should at least come 2 to 3 times a week, due to stranger anxiety, and to get used to transitioning to a childcare setting.

For Preschoolers: (24 months to 5 years of age) I would like 2 to 3 times a week to get them more ready for school readiness, social and emotional interaction.

*This does not affect school-age children due to school and also summer time as well.

***Please note I reserve to have only two spots open for part time children. The rest must be full time due to income. This does not include school age children.

Terminating childcare: Parents will give out a two week notice of terminating childcare services. Or will let me know if a change happens right away in contract (IE. Need to change hours or days for care is needed). Parents will be responsible for paying for the two weeks after notice is given regardless of whether parents choose to keep child(ren) in care for that two weeks. If parent choose not (Or forgets payment within the notice frame), I will refuse to continue care for that family.

If I feel that the requirements of the contract are not being met or if there is a conflict in caring for a child I may choose to terminate the contract. I will give families a minimum of a two week written notice and assist in any way I can to help families find new child care. (Unless I feel the health and safety of the other children are in danger in which case you will be asked to leave on the spot)

Holidays, Vacation, & Time Off: (See 9502.0405, Subp. 2.L)
I will have the following holidays off with pay: Memorial Day, July Fourth, Thanksgiving Day, The day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, The day after Christmas (If Christmas falls on a weekday), New Years Day, and Labor Day.

**Vacation time off: My paid vacation dates will be given to you, as I know them. I will give as much notice as possible, so you can secure backup arrangements.

***Five payed days off if unexpected death of a friend/family member and I cannot get a substitute. This also includes sick time. If I cannot for any reason give care due to illness from myself or my own children and have to close. Parents will be responsible for half the tuition, if I need unexpected time off.

***When families have a planned vacation please provide payment for the child’s return before leaving. This is the ensure a spot will be available for the child.


*A notice must also be given if a family expects a change in the hours, days or adding children that will need care. A new contract will need to be written up and signed. I reserve the right to terminate care if I don’t feel I can agree with the changes. Please note that if your going to be later then your contract is stated please text or call me right away so I am aware.

*** If care is needed for children at a time that is different than those stated in a families contract parents must request it from me prior to the day the care is needed. I would appreciate a minimum of a 24-hr. notice. I do understand that situations come up and I will try and help out however parents need to be aware that I may not always be able to grand that requests.
*** If I can not care for children for some unexpected reason I.E.. Illness, death in the family, etc. I will try to give parents as much notice as I possibly can. If I can arrange substitute care I will try do to that.
Families will need to have their own back up care for those times when I can not possibly give care.

Back up care: Please always have someone on hand for back up care. It is extremely important that families have someone who can step in to help out. Remember it takes a village to raise a child.

To get a hold of me: If you have any questions or something to inform me of your child, please text or call me between the times of 6am to 7pm. If any emergency or concerns come up at any time please call me right away. But please make sure they're emergency concerns if you need to get a hold of me after 7pm.


The purpose of these policies is to keep misunderstandings from happening. I hope this provides parents with a clear picture of my expectations I have for you and you have for me as well. If at any time a parent has a question concerning any part of this contract I urge them to talk to me about it immediately. I often write notes or e-mail to keep parents informed on what is going on with their child. If there is something I believe we need to discuss I may give a parent a e-mail or text asking them to call me. The best times to get a hold of me is between 6 a.m to 7 p.m Monday-Friday. If there is an emergency parents are more then welcome to call after 7 p.m or before 6 a.m. Communication between parents and provider is the key to each child getting the best care possible, that they deserve!
**These policies are subject to change! A two week notice will be given when a policy is changed, added or revised.